Kadastik Hanikatsil
Reigo Roasto

Semi-natural communities where juniper covers at least one third of the area. If there is less juniper, it is a Nordic alvar (6280) or semi-natural dry grassland on calcareous substrates (6210). Juniper formations are found mainly on alvars, to a lesser extent on inland heaths, where the undergrowth resembles that of dry heaths (4030). Where juniper formations are left to nature – in abandoned grasslands and pastures – they become extremely dense and the communities thus poorer.

Alvar juniper formations are mostly found in Saare County and in the carbonate rock alvars of North-Western and Northern Estonia, heath juniper formations in sandy inland areas.

Includes the following habitat types according to Paal: 

  • 2111 (dry alvar grassland site type);
  • 2121 (dry boreal heath grassland site type).
Habitat group
Heaths, dunes and juniper formations
Habitat status
Natura 2000 habitat