Hiking trails and nature trails

It is easier for both people and animals to move along a trail. Trails connect people, animals, and places


With the help of marked trails in nature, it is possible to introduce natural values to hikers both in and outside protected areas. Trails direct visitors away from places where, from a nature conservation point of view, it would be better if people did not go. The Environmental Board, the State Forest Management Centre, local governments, non-profit associations, and various societies are responsible for the planning, construction, and maintenance of the trails. A trail must be maintained and if that is not possible for some reason, the trail must be eliminated.


A boardwalk in Kakerdaja bog
A BOARDWALK IN KAKERDAJA BOG. Trails direct visitors away from places where, from a nature conservation point of view, it would be better if people did not go. By: Reigo Roasto


There are trails of different lengths that introduce different natural communities in all Estonian counties.


Before going into nature, it is wise to do preliminary research on the area of interest, learn what natural values are found there, and choose a trail that you are capable of completing. Experiencing nature goes more smoothly if you know what to expect and can take into account the restrictions set in place to protect the nature. Descriptions of the hiking and nature trails as well as directions for getting there can be found on the web; the most frequently used pages are kaitsealad.ee, loodusegakoos.ee, and the Visit Estonia portal


Marked nature trails are a great as well as a safe way to experience nature, learn to notice, listen, and hear the surroundings, and become smarter – all without the fear of getting lost.



                                                                                                                                    Text: Reet Kristian, Piret Eensoo

                                                                                                                                     Editor: Reigo Roasto


Last modified: 17.01.2021