Nature management

Biodiversity conservation also supports agriculture, forestry, and fishery


Human activity has shaped the biodiversity in Europe for more than 5,000 years, since agriculture and animal husbandry first became widespread. However, the agricultural and industrial revolutions of the last 150 years have led to sharp and rapid changes in land use, agriculture, and urbanisation. As a result, we are witnessing a steady decline in biodiversity due to intensive agriculture, construction, mining, over-exploitation of forests and water bodies, pollution, and global climate change. [1, 2]


Due to the growth of the world’s population, food and its availability, quality, and price are increasingly important issues in the world. However, current intensive farming practices and new agrochemicals have reduced the number of pollinators and other species groups important to humans, which significantly affects the yield of many food plants and, consequently, the availability and price of food. However, deforestation is causing climate change, erosion, and species and habitat destruction. The depletion of fish stocks due to overfishing affects the daily incomes of more than a billion people. [2]


However, by focusing on conserving biodiversity, we also support agriculture, forestry, and fishery. Functional ecosystems and species-rich biota provide services that sustain our economic systems and societies. However, the sustainable use of natural resources plays a role in all this. [1]


Biodiversity is also important for other areas, such as tourism, where the region’s varied nature enhances the region’s reputation, helps to market it, and makes it more attractive to tourists. [2]


The global goals of halting and reversing biodiversity loss require better policy implementation, cross-sectoral cooperation, ecosystem-based management methods, and a broader understanding of the value of biodiversity. [1]



Last modified: 12.01.2022





[2] Uustal, M., Sall, M. 2013. Ettevõtted ja elurikkus. Juhiseid loodushoidlikule ettevõttele. SEI Tallinna väljaanne nr 21, Tallinn.