Terrestrial ecosystems

Mapping and assessment of the main terrestrial ecosystems

Countrywide mapping and assessment of the of the condition and services of the main natural and semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems was initiated at the end of 2018 and completed in 2020 in the course of the national MAES project ELME [1]. This first completed stage is also called ELME1.


In 20212023 further methodological refinement and updates of the biophysical assessments, and a comprehensive socioeconomic assessment and mapping (incl. monetary valuation) of the main terrestrial ecosystem services is conducted in the course of the ELME project. This current second stage is also called ELME2


Both works were ordered by Estonian Environment Agency and conducted by scientists from Tatru University and Estonian University of LIfe Sciences. 


The consortium consisted of scientists (University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, University of Tallinn) and government officials from various state institutes.










Last modified: 06.02.2023.




[1] Project ELME – „Establishment of tools for integrating socioeconomic and climate change data into assessing and forecasting biodiversity status, and ensuring data availability”. https://keskkonnaagentuur.ee/elme