Estonia has an obligation to rehabilitate at least 2,000 ha of cut-over peatlands in the period of 2014–2020
Cut-over peatlands are former peat mining areas and mire areas used for agricultural purposes where economic activity has ceased [1]. Cut-over peatlands can be classified according to their formation and characteristics [2]; two of the most common indicators are the thickness of the peat layer (< 0.5 m and > 0.5 m) and the depth of groundwater [3].
The need to restore cut-over peatlands arose in the European Union in 1995, when it was found that the loss of wetlands and their biodiversity due to human activities should be compensated [4]. In Estonia, research on restoring vegetation in cut-over peatlands was first started in 1996 in the Lavassaare peat deposit [5]. Today, the restoration of cut-over peatlands has focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from these areas. That is how we do a good deed for the climate of our planet.
Restoration begins with soil preparation, which helps to retain water and distribute it evenly throughout the area. Plant parts are collected from the bog to restore the vegetation of cut-over peatlands and accelerate peat formation. The plant parts are placed on the surface in a thin and even layer. They are then covered with mulch to protect them from adverse weather conditions and, if necessary, fertilised to encourage growth. Drainage ditches are also closed to restore the moisture level suitable for paludification [6]. Cut-over peatlands can also be used to create cranberry and blueberry farms and to plant reed canary grass for heating [7, 8].
Estonia has an obligation to reclaim at least 2,000 ha of cut-over peatlands in the period of 2014–2020; for which a list of cut-over peatlands was prepared in 2015, which, according to the initial selection, included a total of 38 cut-over peatlands [9]. Priority will be given to the reclamation of cut-over peatlands that are fully or partially located in protected areas; to those for which reclamation projects have already been prepared; to those adjacent to protected areas; and to peatlands where no unaided recovery potential has been observed [10]. In 2018, 2,778 ha of mire community habitats were restored (for example, 700 ha in the Endla nature reserve, 60 ha in Hiiu County) [11].
Text: Kristjan Piirimäe, Kuno Kasak
Editors: Sigrid Ots, Reigo Roasto
Last modified: 13.01.2022
[1] J. Paal, E. Lode, T. Triisberg. Jääksoo ja turba jääklasund. Jääksood, nende kasutamine ja korrastamine. Toimetanud ja koostanud J. Paal, 2011.
[2] E. Lode. Jääksoode tüübid ja arengusuunad. Jääksood, nende kasutamine ja korrastamine. Toimetanud ja koostanud J. Paal, 2011.
[3] J. Pikk, U. Valk. Jääksoode metsastamisekatsete tulemused Eestis. [Käsikiri, 1995]
[4] M. Ilomets. Kogemusi Eestist. Jääksood, nende kasutamine ja korrastamine. Toimetanud ja koostanud J. Paal, 2011.
[5] K. Kirk. Taimkatte taastumine jääksoodel mõningate Eesti ja Rootsi soode näitel. Lõputöö. TPÜ Matemaatika-Loodusteaduskond, Geoökoloogia õpetool. [Käsikiri, 1997]
[6] E. Karofeld. Kogemusi maailmast. Jääksood, nende kasutamine ja korrastamine. Toimetanud ja koostanud J. Paal, 2011.
[7] T. Paal. Marjakasvatuse rajamine. Jääksood, nende kasutamine ja korrastamine. Toimetanud ja koostanud J. Paal, 2011.
[8] J. Paal. Energianiidu rajamine. Jääksood, nende kasutamine ja korrastamine. Toimetanud ja koostanud J. Paal, 2011.
[9] E. Lode, K. Sepp, L. Truus, M. Ilomets, R. Pajula. Korrastatavate jääksoode valik. Tallinna Ülikooli Ökoloogia keskus ja Loodus- ja terviseteaduste insituut, 2015.
[10] J. Paal, M. Ilomets, E. Karofeld, L. Truus, E. Leibak, E. Lode, R. Pajula, J. Pikka, A. Kull. Korrastatavate jääksoode valik ja korrastamise tulemuste hindamine. Metoodiline juhend, 2014.
[11] K. Ratassepp. RMK aastaraamat 2018.