From 2006, you can apply for compensation for agricultural land in Natura 2000 areas which is paid from the Estonian Rural Development Plan
The purpose of the support is to partially compensate the land owner for the loss of income due to nature conservation restrictions. The subsidy rate is 27 euros per hectare per year [1]. The grant is an addition to other area-based agricultural payments.
In addition to the general requirements for receiving common agricultural subsidies, the applicant must also comply with the requirements of the protected area, limited-conservation area, or species protection site protection procedure and cannot simultaneously apply for semi-natural community maintenance subsidy, regional soil protection support, or regional water protection support for keeping land as grassland. The Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) organises the subsidy [2].
The total amount of compensation and the area covered by it have fluctuated from year to year. In 2018, the total was almost 550,000 euros and covered an area of just over 20,000 hectares [2].
More support from the Estonian Rural Development Plan (ERDP):
In addition to subsidy for the maintenance of semi-natural communities, Natura 2000 private forest subsidy, and agricultural land subsidy, several other payments are paid under the ERDP that are directly or indirectly related to biodiversity conservation: e.g. support for environmentally friendly management, regional soil protection, regional water protection, environmentally friendly horticulture, and local plant species cultivation.
Last modified: 07.12.2021
[1] Maaeluministri määrus nr 42.
[2] Kukk, L. 2020. Looduskaitse rahastamine. Roasto, R., Tampere, U. (toim). Eesti looduse kaitse aastal 2020. Keskkonnaagentuur, Tallinn: 75-79.